Rebecca Petruck

I love to teach this workshop in person, and I'm very interested in taking it to new places. Know a space we can use and a group of interested writers? Let me know! If it's within reasonable driving distance from Creston, NC, we can make this workshop happen in your community, too! Thank you!
Online Edition!
(Approximately 2.5 hours)
Registration: $175
Repeat Attendee: $125
Tips for Taking Your Manuscript to the Next Level
Online Edition!
(1 hour)
Registration: $125
Thinking about the “big picture” of your novel can clarify character motivation, identify what happens next (or should come before), and save significant time as you craft your story. A well-structured story creates room for a unique voice, and those two elements are what catch the attention of agents and editors.
The process is thought-provoking, interactive, and fun! It can be applied to novels for both the adult and children’s markets and across all genres. This workshop is incredibly inspiring for both beginning and more experienced writers.
Many of us are so close to being offered representation or publication. We’ve received inspiring rejections, been invited to submit a new project, been asked to revise and resubmit. Some of us have had agents but parted ways when the first manuscript didn’t sell. Or are agented but have been on sub with several manuscripts, with none finding the right home. Filled with practical advice from a mix of established and debut authors, and including her years of experience as a mentor for Pitch Wars, Writing in the Margins, and SCBWI Carolinas, author Rebecca Petruck offers this workshop to help those who have done the work take that final leap to cross the “finish line.”
For two weeks after either workshop, I offer a limited number of written critiques of your first 10 pages for $125, normally $155. This includes a 15-minute phone call.
For one month after the Plot Your Novel workshop, I offer plot consultations for $395, normally $495.
Special: If you organize 8 people for an online Plot Your Novel workshop, the fee is only $155 each ($125 for repeat attendee). Contact me to arrange a date/time for your group.
If you would like me to visit your group or area in person, please email rebecca_petruckATyahoo.com.